Reunion Island


Wonderful island life in Reunion, which is a French province. It is a great scenic volcanic island in the tropical indian ocean.

We Arrived yesterday for the first ever tri-continental scientfic meeting on hyperbaric diving medicine, between Africa, Europe and South Pacific.

It all begins tomorrow

Author: DivingWorld

We, myself, Danie and my wife Esmé, are both restless souls. Apart from the time we devote to our professional lives and immensely adorable daughters, we like to travel, dive, camp and to go to and do unusual off the beaten track things. We love to share our experiences with everyone. Photographing, filming and writing about all our experiences on this wonderful planet of ours is a privilege that has to be shared.

2 thoughts on “Reunion Island”

    1. Yes, very interesting. They had a large outbreak in 2005-2006. It is a fairly common mosquito born disease in Th tropics of Africa, Malaysia and some other places.
      Fortunately it is not such a bad disease as dengue fever or malaria.


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